14 Proven Ways of Boosting Natural Immunity

There are many ways to boost your natural immunity and there are some tips that have been proven to work.

Our immunity system is our defense against the diseases coming to our bodies and it is very important to maintain and boost your immunity system naturally in many ways.

Many parts of our bodies act differently to protect themselves from pathogens and viruses.

A healthy immune system includes various defense mechanisms, which include skin, mucous, WBC, and lymph. It is maintained by balancing our daily routines.

The seasonal changes in the environment gave a perfect view of our immunity, chilly and cold seasons, rain, and stroking sun, the way our body reacts to the changes highlights a lot about our immunity.

It plays a vital role in preventing us from harmful diseases. Our daily routines reflect on our body; the way we eat, sleep, work, and practice gratitude is part of the day.

By routing ourselves back from the unhealthy lifestyle, one can boost their immunity naturally by adopting the below-mentioned measures.

These natural immunity boosters are found abundantly in nature, so why worry just grab them and promote yourself to a healthy and happy?

Scientists state the UV rays coming from the sun help to produce Vitamin D in our body, which is important to our immune system, blood cells and bones.

1. Sun, As a Source to Boost Your Immunity System

boost your immunity

Sun is an abundant source of energy on planet earth, from plants to human life; life on earth depends on solar radiation.

According to Ayurveda and even modern sciences, it is believed that 30 min of daily sunbathing acts as an immunity booster. Sun energy is the only natural source of vitamin D, which allows calcium absorption in our body.

For healthy skin, dense bones, and functional intestine, one should practice sunbathing either early morning around 5.30-8.00 (during sunrise), or late evening around 5.30-6.30 (during sunset).

Both these times are appropriate for sunbathing.

For healthy eyes, one more benefit of the sun is sun gazing. A fifteen-minute sun gaze can improve your eyesight, and act as a self-healer.

The gaze from the eyes also reflects the brain and helps in enhancing memory, and intellect kills depression, and improves concentration.so, I request you all readers to just try this once, and you will never regret it.

The ritual will soon become a part of your life, giving you a healthy body, mind, and soul.

In general, 5 to 15 minutes of exposure to the sun may help to absorb daily dose of Sunlight, even up to 30 minutes if you’re dark-skinned.

2. Detoxify Your Body Before Gulping Vitamins and Minerals

Improving immunity in a body full of toxins is a difficult task, before jumping onto gulping vitamins and minerals, one should practice detoxification at least three times a week.

Detoxification is practiced in various ways, such as intermediate fasting, liquid diets, enema, etc. intermediate fasting is a popular and most effective way to detoxify your body.

Almost every religion on the planet earth has fasting rituals, which were followed scientifically to improve our immunity through fasting.

According to these, our body needs rest for digesting and clarifying its toxins, but due to a lack of patience and time constraints, we end up eating more.

These unconscious acts end up creating more toxins in our body, slowing down our metabolism, and breaking the self-healing capacity of our internal organization.

3. A Considerable Portion of Raw Foods, a Blessing to Your Body

boost your immunity

A good portion of a mixed meal with cereals, fruits, salads, etc. provides high nutrition to our body.

According to human metabolism sciences, it is proved that raw foods are easy to digest because of the presence of water in them. The human body is made of water, and almost 70% of it is covered with liquid.

To make our metabolism work effortlessly, one should feed it with proper fuels such as raw fruits and vegetables like apples, mango, strawberries, kale, spinach, etc.

the portion of the meal should be 1:2, one part of cereal and two parts of veggies. Due to our lazy and stagnant lifestyle, one should follow a healthy eating habits.

The portions of the diet vary according to one’s lifestyle, consult a dietician to integer your immunity or self-healing power.

The food you eat should comprise intestines-friendly foods such as natural probiotics, fermented and cultured foods, and especially sprouted vegetables.

Moreover, antioxidants in the diet also help in repairing damaged cells and prevent the body from external invaders.

Some types of mushrooms, particularly Japanese like shirataki and oysters, have natural antioxidants. Therefore, a well-balanced diet can help support improving immunity and plays a beneficial role in enhancing eating style.

4. Power Up Your Mind to Boost Your Immunity

A healthy mind is vital for robust and integrating self-healing power. Modern-day work schedules and lifestyles harmed the peace and sanity of our minds, with overpowering diseases such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia, etc.

Practicing meditation is the source of powering up our mind, which can immensely boost our immunity.

According to studies, it is proved that meditation opens the healing power by many folds, which in return helps our body to function appropriately. But you must curb it as soon as possible by talking to your loved ones or seeking professional help.

Various organizations around the world are providing such services.so one should grab the popularity and practice meditation to heal your past wounds and welcome new, refreshing, and healthy you, with an immunity power up.

boost your immunity


5. Don’t Let Your Inertia Kill Your Immunity

Inertia is the most compelling reason, which has become an enemy of our body’s immunity. One should not let inertia to overpower their body’s protection. The various ways to improve our body immunity are to practice physical exercises of any kind such as dance, yoga, Pilates, stretching, etc. The physical activities we perform helps in boosting our body energies and helps to digest our food correctly. A healthy gut and a healthy mind are an outcome of our daily physical routine.

The link between exercise and body defense system is compelling; activity triggers the body’s defense mechanism to an extremely high level. According to health experts, regular exercise encourages the growth of white blood cells, which are the defense agents of the immune system. To keep the immune system in superior condition, one should include physical activity in their daily routine.


6. Keep Hydrated: Water and Liquids are Immunity Boosting Agents

Our body is seventy percent of water, but due to our unhealthy lifestyle and diet, we drag our body to dehydration. The dehydration leads to low absorption of nutrition and low emission of toxics. The positive benefit of water intake includes proper digestion, defense from pathogens, and viruses to stay in our body. An adequately hydrated body defends itself against all the odds.

Nobody can tell the amount of water you need to have, have a glass of water when you are thirsty, a conscious glass of water gulped is a true blessing. The storage of water is also essential for it to act as an immunity-boosting agent. A sun charged bowl of water boosts up your immunity by many folds, whereas water stored in a stale or a plastic container will harm the consumer. The immune energy inside water encourages the self-healing capacity of our body. That is why water is considered the ultimate source of immunity booster.


Medicine's guidelines say an average man should drink about 15 cups of water per day and about 11 cups for a woman.


7. A Good Night’s Sleep Charges Self-healing Power

boost your immunity

An adequate amount of sleep acts as a miracle to our body; at the time of our sleeping, our body repairs and protects itself from various viruses and bacteria. A good night’s sleep also helps in healthy functioning of our body throughout the day.

According to certain studies, it is shown that sleep deprivation has a severe long-term effect on our brain. Recent research also concluded that poor sleep might lead to pain sensitivity and cardiovascular diseases. According to the investigations from Tubingen University, Germany, it was found that the sleeping pattern affects the growth of T-cells in our brain.

T cells are mostly white blood cells, which are an integral part of our immune system, and it is the core of adaptive immunity. A night of good night sleep has the power to boost the growth of the T cells, which, in return, promotes the adaptive immunity mechanism.


According to most health studies, it is required to have between 7 to 9 hours of sleep for an average healthy person to function at their best.


8. Practice Gratitude and Avoid Isolation, A Natural Way of Boosting the Immune System

Building a social network and helping people is the most effective way to improve your immune system. According to studies, an excellent social network is a sign of healthy relationships. A healthy relationship is maintained with a healthy mind and body.

The people who maintain healthy relationships outlive those with weak social ties. They are more active and off burdened. A volunteer class, a yoga lesson, or a community help can nurture your bonds with your surrounding people, which will help in boosting your immunity.


9. Laughter is A Natural Immunity Booster


According to a recent study, it was found that the people who laugh out loud at funny gifs or videos have a better immunity system than those who do not. It is the most potent medicine which draws people together, and it strengthens the immune system by boosting moods, diminishing pains, and protects against the damage done by stress. Humor tends to lighten up the burden, incases hope, connects people, and further pushes them to be grounded and focused. The healing and renewing power of laughter can surmount problems and helps in enhancing physical and mental health.


10. Lower Your Narcotics and Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol and smoking have become a part of our lifestyle; we have made ourselves dependent on it. It plays an essential role in weakening our immune system, and because of this, people may often get skin. Unhealthy and limitless consumption of the product may lead to serious medical problems, which, in return, is a result of a weak immune system.


Health experts say, consuming alcohol does weaken your immune system, no matter how much quantity you consume.


11. Washing Hands, a Healthy Immune System Ritual

Washing your hands before and after a meal is a habit, which we were asked to follow from our childhood. Every community and different religions have their own distinctive stories behind keeping our hands clean. By washing hands, we drain the germs off our hands before they can enter our bodies while eating. The handwashing ritual should go for at least twenty seconds, use of soap and water, or in traveling terms, a hand sanitizer is preferred.


1. Wet your hand under running cold or warm water.
2. Rubbing your hand with soap at least 20 seconds.
3. Rinse Your hand with running clean water.


12. Take a Relaxing Bath, an Immunity-Boosting Remedy

An Epsom salt in hot water acts as an immunity booster, relaxing scents and aromas reduces stress and helps in sound sleep. As sleep is a key to self-repair for the body, the body repairs itself, activates the stress responses, immune functions, and elevates inflammatory chemicals.


13. Get Yourself a Pet Dog

Boost Your Immunity

A dog is a natural, lively immunity booster one can have. From a friend to a probiotic it has everything you ask for. These pets act as a probiotic which boosts our immunity, and they help you to develop healthy bacteria. They are the boosters that stop your illness. So, what is stopping you from grabbing your true friend from rescue centers and adopting one?


14. Optimism Boosts Immune System

Optimism is vital for strengthening your immune system. In recent years, thoughts and attitude can have a significant influence on our immunity. Researchers found that negative emotions weaken the activation of brain areas. They led to problems like the recent occurrence of various flues.

According to the investigations, and it is also found that people who were optimistic about a specific and essential part of their lives. We are doing in school, exhibited a more robust immune response than those who had a more negative view of the situation.


Final Thoughts

From the above lifestyle hacks, it is clarified that nature has embedded power to increase our immunity. These various ways can trigger the existing available self-boosting capacity in our body to boost up our immunity system. The beauty lies in the self-focused and conscious daily routine. Above mentioned lifestyle activities might be severe, but they had a massive connection with a robust immune system.

A healthier lifestyle, it is essential to take one step at a time, steps may not be easy but have substantial long-term benefits. The changes made in the present will make the future life of the people in a way better and healthier. Family immunity does not have to chore, it should be delicious, relaxing, and fun, which can be fitted by you in the family as a good healthy routine.