How To Stay Hydrated Without Water: Best Healthy Alternatives To Water

You know that stay hydrated is critical for your health and water is the optimal calorie-free option. Water is the major nutrient for life sustenance as it not only hydrates the body but it also shifts oxygen levels of your bloodstream.

Other important nutrients in the cells, regulate the body temperature, prevent constipation, and protects joints.

On average, a human body needs about 11 to 15 cups of water a day to restock the fluids through breathing, sweating, urination, and bowel elimination. Drinking lots of water is the simplest way to boost overall health.

Of course, that’s easier said than done if you don’t care for its taste. Surely, water doesn’t enjoy much attention as other drinks. Yet, it plays a significant role in our lives and our bodies.

But what if somebody can’t stand drinking plain water or their taste buds ask for something extra-ordinary occasionally to stay hydrated?

Water may not give a palatable taste to almost everybody. This flavorless beverage can get boring if it is the only thing you drink the whole day. It may not seem exciting or refreshing, especially when compared to other beverages.

But most of the exotic, alluring beverages contain loads of sugar, calories, and even some artificial ingredients. If you are looking for some flavor and energy to liven up your beverages without consuming a bunch of calories and sugar, then you should check out the following hydration solutions.

All these beverages are extremely healthy when it comes to refilling your body with water and electrolytes. They have everything to boost your body performance, improve your energy levels and brain functioning, help in digestion, and aid in managing weight. So, if you are looking for post-workout replenishment or want to keep your body hydrated, these options will help you feel better. This article discusses 10 healthy alternatives to water, including their potential health benefits. Let’s take a look:

TIP: Medicine’s guidelines say an average man should drink about 15 cups of fluids per day and about 11 cups for a woman.

1. Fruit-Infused Water

Alternatives to Water

Fruit-infused water is considered a better hydrating drink than normal fruit juices to stay hydrated. It is sometimes referred to as detox water or spa water.

Some natural flavor added to your regular water can make your drink feel like more of a treat. When fruit or vegetables are added into the water, the sugar content gets diluted and its hydrating power increases considerably.

The flavor of the herbs makes it naturally refreshing and decreases the number of calories which are more when certain fruit or vegetables are eaten instead.

Its exact properties vary depending upon the ingredients you use and the power of the infusion. Some common health benefits are weight loss, an increase in energy levels, a better digestive system, an improved immune system, and toxin removal.

The presence of different ingredients entices and motivates people to drink more water which has various health benefits. Flavored water is everybody’s favorite these days but may contain artificial sweeteners or sugar.

So, the healthier option is adding the natural flavor. By infusing your own spa water at home with lemons, oranges, strawberries, cucumbers, ginger, or mint, you can get a healthy alternative to plain water.

These items can enhance your water bottle with natural flavors while adding antioxidants to your drink.

2. Hot or Iced Tea

alternatives to water

To stay hydrated, drinking Green tea or black tea is another alternative that is extremely high in phytochemicals which are compounds naturally available in food that help our body with better functioning.

The interesting fact about tea is that it has the same hydrating effect as water. Other than hydration, tea also calms your tired nerves and relaxes your mind. Green tea is totally water with zero calories and zero sugar. It is also a wonderful source of antioxidants which are quite useful for metabolic and cardiovascular health.

Studies have shown that green tea may help in lowering the risk of various kinds of cancer, obesity, liver disease, and heart disease. It is available in different varieties and can be consumed hot or cold, depending upon your preferences. Or you can also try some herbal teas to hydrate your body while boosting your immune system. The vitamins and antioxidants present in herbal teas are great for fighting infections and diseases and protecting against oxidative stress. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to relieve arthritis, headaches, and hemorrhoids.

According to some researchers, Herbal teas are some of the healthiest beverages which you can drink as an alternative liquid. Herbal teas have shown many short and long-term health benefits because it has vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in them.


3. Low-sodium broths

alternatives to water

Some animal-based or vegetable broth containing less sodium is a savory substitute to water. As they are almost water but contains protein, they are super-hydrating. Moreover, the broth contains the protein named collagen which is extremely important for organs, joints, skin, and bone health. It also has other important minerals, such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc, copper, iron, niacin, Vitamin E, Vitamin B12, and magnesium. The broth is also useful for weight management as its consumption may make you feel full and helps to avoid excessive eating habits.

If you are a vegetarian or vegan, you can consider adding vegetables like mushrooms or scallions instead. This way, you’ll get the exact amount of water together with some anti-oxidants and heart protection from the mushrooms. According to some studies, both of these broths are useful in combating inflammation and boosting immunity in addition to being nutrient-rich. Try having both of these broths on alternate days to receive all the benefits. You can either drink them directly or use them in some soups. While readymade broth available at grocery stores is convenient, they are mostly high in sodium. So, making the broth at home is quite simple and a good approach for managing the ingredients.


4. Aloe Vera Juice

aloe vera juice

Aloe vera juice is obtained from the aloe vera plant and is made by crushing and filtering out the liquid. The aloe vera plant is water-dense so, its consumption is an ideal way to treat or prevent dehydration. It contains more than 200 amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and some strong regenerative properties. Also, it is useful in detoxifying your gut and provides various beauty benefits such as glowing and radiant skin. This plant is one of the few plant sources of vitamin B12 which is great news for vegans and vegetarians.

Aloe vera juice is a healthy alternative to water for those watching their sugar intake as it contains no sugar and very few calories. Through the consumption of aloe vera juice, you can keep your kidneys and liver healthy as they are important for the detoxification of your blood and the production of urine. Recovering from heavy exercise also needs rehydration through the consumption of additional fluids. The body requires more fluids to flush and get rid of lactic acid buildup from working out. So, try aloe vera juice instead of other options after your next tough workout.


5. Sparkling Water

alternatives to water

Sparkling water is basically simple water with some energy that can be felt while sipping. It is naturally carbonated and contains minerals that come from a spring. Sparkling water is naturally infused with CO2 to make loads of bubbles and fizziness. It has less sugar and calories and can be naturally flavored with some fruits. So, people use it as a substitute for soda to stay away from soft drinks while reaping all the hydrating benefits of water.

According to some studies, sparkling water hydrates the body the same way normal water does. Interestingly, it can provide various health benefits like improving heart health, satisfying the body to the fullest, relieving constipation, and so on. It has beneficial effects on your cholesterol, inflammation, and blood sugar levels. However, the sparkling water is slightly acidic; therefore, it is recommended to drink it with food rather than alone. This water is widely used in cocktails and other drinks to form a fizzy sensation on your tongue.


6. Coconut Water

alternatives to water

Coconut water is the juice that forms in the coconut and is a great source of vitamins and minerals. Coconut water naturally occurs in the fruit and has nearly 94% water and a little amount of fat. It has anti-oxidants and electrolytes (minerals that are useful in maintaining fluid balance), such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and manganese. These properties make it a better source to replenish the body than the plain water. This drink is fairly low in calories and carbs and also aid in reducing blood pressure, losing weight, boosting energy, improving digestion, and so on.

Moreover, it is energizing in nature which makes it a better alternative for artificially colored or energy drinks. Especially after the workout, coconut water is considered a healthy alternative to water as it contains a good amount of potassium and sodium. As per research, the coconut water is as effective as a sports drink for rehydrating a body but has considerably less amount of sugar. The freshest water can be obtained directly from the coconut. Or you can buy bottled coconut water at grocery stores. However, make sure to read the ingredients to confirm you are getting pure coconut water.


7. Vegetable Juice

vegetable juice

If you are looking for a super-healthy substitute to plain water, then you need to drink vegetable juice. Vegetable juice provides a quick, low-calorie way to get the benefits of the veggies without fiber. This way, your body can absorb the optimum goodness of the vegetables by drinking the juice on a regular basis.

The best juice to consume is cucumber juice as this vegetable is known for containing 90% water and is one of the most hydrating veggies. Tomato juice is also really good as the tomatoes contain 94% water content along with antioxidants and vitamin C. Even celery has high water content and is rich in vitamin E. So if you like some savory drinks, this could be one.

Vegetable juices are considered better than fruit juices as the natural sugar present in fruits may inhibit the hydration. Also, fruit juices are likely to contain a concentrated form of sugar. For instance, a cup of orange juice contains almost 24g of sugar while a cup of tomato juice has 6g of sugar. But vegetable juices can be high in sodium like a cup of tomato juice contains 629 mg of sodium. So, it is better to go for a low-sodium version whenever possible. However, if you like drinking fruit juices, then orange juice can be a good option because it has lots of electrolytes.


8. Milk


Since childhood, we have known milk as an amazing source of vitamin D and calcium. It may seem like less of an adult drink than other available options, but milk is an excellent source of protein and micronutrients. Milk is nearly 99% water and is great at keeping you hydrated as it retains in the body for longer. It is full of minerals, vitamins, beneficial bacteria, enzymes, and healthy fats. Basically, milk serves as a source of energy, builds muscle tissues, maintains bone mass, metabolizes fatty acids, helps in weight loss, and keeps the red blood cells and nerve tissues healthy.

Milk is regarded as better than water or sports drinks as it is a source of high-quality carbs and electrolytes. Also, it replaces sodium lost in sweat and aids the body in retaining fluid in a better way. It is considered better for rehydration and to counter dehydration than the normal water. If you don’t consume dairy items or are lactose-intolerant, then soy milk can a great plant-based alternative for you. It is available in a range of flavors and is capable of reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol and blood pressure. However, it should be consumed in moderation because of the other potential impacts on your health.


9. Kombucha

Kombucha is a fermented beverage that is prepared by blending SCOBY (symbiotic cultures of bacteria and yeast) into black or green tea, then allowing to ferment for a week or so. During the fermentation process, the yeast and bacteria grow into a mushroom-like film on the top of the liquid, giving it the name “mushroom tea”. The bacteria and yeast consume sugar and generate beneficial substances that help in healing and detoxifying the body. Normally, this tea undergoes another fermentation with herbs or fruits to introduce a different flavor into the beverage.

There are so many health benefits of kombucha tea of which the most important is the boost in gut health. The fermentation process generates gut-friendly bacteria known as probiotics which greatly helps in improving gut health. Kombucha tea is quite hydrating and has antioxidant properties that help the body in getting rid of free radicals in the body. Note that kombucha tea prepared improperly can have adverse health effects. So, it is safer to grab a bottled kombucha at the store.


10. Smoothies

Water can be found in abundance on this planet as well as in the human body. Almost 70% of the human body is water. So, to replenish the loss of water in your body, especially during the summers, is very important. But those looking for healthier alternatives to water for hydration can consider smoothies. Smoothies have increasingly become a wellness trend and get frequently marketed as healthy food items. Not only they are packed with minerals, vitamins, and micronutrients, but also many antioxidants. Such nutrients help in reducing inflammation, improving digestion, and decreasing the risks of chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

The best part about smoothies is that they are portable and can be modified for any dietary or taste preferences. Certainly, they are regarded as better than juices when it comes to health benefits as it contains a great amount of pulp of vegetables/fruits. So, grab some fruit with high water content such as oranges, apples, watermelons, and pineapples and make a delicious smoothie. You get energy unlike that you get from caffeinated or sugary drinks. But be careful when buying smoothies at stores as they may have artificial sweeteners, lots of fat, and fruit juice which may contribute to higher amounts of fat and calories.


The Takeaway

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, water will always remain the king of all healthy beverages on the Earth. But if you are looking for something that adds a little more flavor to your normal drinking water, the options discussed above are the healthy alternatives to water. No drink is going to badly impact the nutritional profile of your day and it is not surely worth stressing out over. But if you want to keep your body hydrated while getting maximum nutrients, these healthy drinks cannot be beaten. So, the next time you feel dehydrated, grab any of the above beverages to get your body back in balance. Stay hydrated, stay healthy!


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