Best Herbal Tea and Its Benefits

herbal tea

Despite consuming regular tea sometimes with milk and sugar, nowadays people are often noticed drinking the herbal tea as it is far more nutritious than the standard tea. Herbal tea is one of the healthiest drinks one can have and most importantly, the majority is free of caffeine. With a bit of modification in the lifestyle and a cup of herbal tea a day, a visible difference can be observed in the body.

Fully-loaded with minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants, herbal tea helps in relieving body ailments, like reducing inflammation, improving digestion, easing joint pain, and enjoying a sound sleep. Herbal tea comes in a wide variety, the choice of flavors never ends for a person. As per the taste you prefer or the benefit you are seeking, you can start with one flavor and later expand the horizon.

Have you ever wondered what the origin of Herbal Tea is? Why the benefits of it are so extraordinary? And the wide variety in the availability of them.


The Origin of Herbal Tea

Diseases and ailments have been a part of human life. For centuries, people have been finding methods to cure illnesses and maintain optimal health conditions. The oldest medicines were used in the form of teas and even in this day and age, people are still consuming them as a devotion to their ancestors. And of course, no discussion regarding herbal teas would be complete without mentioning China.

In 2737 BC, it was said that a Chinese Emperor named Shen Nung noticed a green leaf blown into the boiling water. Then, it changed the color of the water and that’s when the concept of tea got introduced. Since then, not only China but the entire world is consuming herbal tea to cure diseases and promote a healthy mind and body. It has now become a part of daily lives owing to its amazing healing properties and health benefits.


What is Herbal Tea?

Herbal teas are made using or infused with herbs, spices, and other plant materials. Unlike different kinds of tea, herbal tea is an infusion of different leaves, flowers, roots, fruits, and bark belonging to any edible, non-tea plant. In Europe and many other parts of the globe, herbal teas are commonly called tisanes. In the past few years, there has been increased interest and attention in the use of herbal teas globally. Their utilization is growing exponentially all across the world, thanks to recent researches in the field of herbal teas with regards to their health benefits and medicinal properties.

No matter which herbal tea you are consuming, it has amazing nutritional value. It is loaded with vitamins and does not contain dietary fiber and sugar. Herbal tea can be used in a variety of ways like to fight inflammation, relax the mind and body, soothe the stomach, and a whole lot more. This tea is prepared by adding different herbs in water, served either hot or cold depending upon your preferences. Some of the best herbal tea brands that you’ll likely find in everywhere around the world are Lipton, Tazo, Twinings, Harney & Sons, Bigelow, amongst others.

Check out the most effective Herbal Tea blend for weight loss for everyone


Types of Herbal Tea

As herbal tea can be created from almost any concoction of natural ingredients, there is a huge number of herbal tea varieties, each having its distinct flavor, qualities, and health benefits. Some of the most common herbal teas are as follows:

  • Peppermint TeaOne of the world’s most commonly used herbal teas, peppermint tea is regarded as a reliable option for treating breathing issues, bloating, abdominal gas, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). In addition to its capability of boosting digestive tract health, peppermint tea also contains anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, and antioxidant properties. It can also treat your headache as it clears the brain’s constricted blood vessels like Ibuprofen. Moreover, this tea improves the bile production in your gall bladder which aids in relieving the impurities from your system. Studies have also shown that peppermint oil has the ability to change a person’s mind positively.

herbal tea

  • Chamomile TeaMade from chamomile leaves and flowers, chamomile tea has been used for centuries by people having issues like insomnia, diarrhea, anxiety, and stomach disorders. Chamomile herbal tea is quite popular for its calming effects and it improves sleep quality as well as lowers the symptoms of depression too. It also boosts immunity, combats bacteria, and reduces the body’s stress and tension. Additionally, it is also believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and liver-saving properties.

  • Ginger TeaGinger tea is considered the best herbal tea for your digestive health. This tea contains Vitamin C, magnesium, and other minerals which helps in healing, soothing, and digestion. It not only reduces the inflammation in the body, but also heals your respiratory system, removes the congestion caused by the common cold, and relieves nausea, dysmenorrhea (period pain), and constipation. Ginger tea is extremely beneficial for your heart health and promotes blood circulation along with lowering the bad cholesterol. It is also useful in reducing the loss of brain cells associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Hibiscus TeaOriginally came from ancient Egypt, it is a tart-tasting tea made from the Roselle plant. Hibiscus tea is loaded with Vitamin C and antioxidants and has a positive impact on high blood pressure. In addition to having anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties, this tea is great for fighting cancer, relaxing the nervous system, and lowering the anxiety. Moreover, it promotes weight loss by decreasing the body’s ability to absorb sugar.
  • Rooibos TeaOriginated from South Africa, rooibos is an herbal tea made from the red bush plant. Mainly, it contains calcium and fluoride and helps in improving bone health by stimulating the cells associated with bone density and growth. Also, one study found that Rooibos tea helps in preventing heart disease. Rooibos tea is rich in oxidants and promotes good iron absorption too. It is also good for skin health as it treats acne and eczema and slows down the signs of aging thanks to the presence of antioxidants. Some other health benefits include treating asthma, allergies, and headache.
  • Spearmint TeaSpearmint belongs to the mint family and has less minty flavor than peppermint. As it has anti-inflammatory effects, it treats tissue inflammation, stomach spasms, nausea, vomiting, and dyspepsia. It treats gas and colic and improves digestion as well as nutrient absorption. This anti-osteoarthritis drink has strong anti-bacterial properties that aid in repelling infections if used topically.
  • Rosehip TeaMade from the fruit of the rose plant, rosehip is a Vitamin C-loaded herbal tea. It is highly beneficial for skin and tissue health as it improves moisture and skin elasticity of the face. This herbal tea is high in antioxidants and contains anti-inflammatory properties that aid in reducing inflammation and pain caused due to arthritis.
  • Dandelion TeaDandelion tea is often used as a coffee substitute as it has a coffee-like taste but slightly less bitter. This tea is helpful in promoting strong bones and preventing osteoporosis as it is full of essential minerals like magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron. It is diuretic which means that it helps in eliminating the excess water from your body and makes you feel lighter. Due to the presence of iron in this herb, this tea also helps in protecting against anemia. It is also useful for weight loss as it encourages fat and cholesterol breakdown.
  • Echinacea TeaSince centuries, echinacea tea has been commonly consumed to prevent the common cold. Due to the presence of an antioxidant, anti-virus, and anti-inflammatory properties, this is considered a pro-immune system drink. This herbal tea boosts the immune system which makes the body strong enough to fight off infections and bacteria. As per many studies, it can shorten the duration of the common cold or even sometimes prevent it. Moreover, a warm cup of echinacea tea can help in relieving the sore throat.

herbal tea


Benefits of Herbal Tea

Rich in minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants, the herbal tea provides several short and long-term health benefits. These teas can be a great alternative to your regular caffeinated drinks while still offering amazing taste and energy boost. In this section, we’ll provide a list of herbal tea benefits that you can get with its every consumption:

  • Improves skin healthHerbal tea is useful in treating skin problems like acne and dryness. It can either be consumed normally or by directly applying the tea onto the skin. Chamomile and Rooibos teas are regarded as the best teas to treat skin issues due to their anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties. Spearmint tea is also useful in reducing the breakouts of acne.
  • Slows the aging processAnti-oxidants available in herbal teas helps in slowing down the aging process. Herbal teas maintain the hair and skin cells and prevent pigmentation, wrinkles, and dryness. Also, they prevent free radical damage and restores the age of cells in your body.
  •  Boosts digestionThere are many herbal teas available that aids the breakdown of fats and improves the speed of the stomach’s emptying time. Some of the best teas are chamomile, cinnamon, dandelion, and peppermint which smoothens the digestive system and reduces the urge of overeating and symptoms of vomiting and bloating.
  •  Relieves nauseaPeople who have regular nausea and vomiting problems should start consuming herbal tea. Several studies have found that ginger and peppermint tea are extremely helpful in treating nausea. As per many studies, it is beneficial to consume ginger herbal tea, especially in pregnancy.
  •  Strengthens immune systemThe herbal teas are rich in vitamins and antioxidants which greatly helps in fighting against diseases and infections. They reduce the risk of chronic diseases and protects against oxidative stress. Some of the best herbal teas for boosting the immune system are licorice root, elderberry, and ginger tea.
  •  Controls blood pressureHigh blood pressure can negatively affect your heart and kidney. So instead of taking pills, try consuming herbal tea to lower your blood pressure. One of the best herbal teas for lowering high blood pressure is hibiscus tea as it contains chemicals useful in controlling the blood pressure.
  •  Reduces anxiety and stressHerbal tea like chamomile tea relaxes and calms the mind and relieves stress and anxiety. It soothes the mind and releases chemicals in the brain which combats depression. The chamomile tea also acts as a mild anti-depressant as it stimulates the brain to reduce the feelings of depression.
  •  Reduces inflammationRegular consumption of herbal tea can greatly help those suffering from arthritis. You can fight inflammation and rheumatic aches due to the expansion of blood vessels using ginger herbal tea. In truth, ginger is regarded as one of the best herbs that treat joint and muscular pain.
  •  Aids in weight lossDrinking herbal teas may help in boosting metabolism, detoxifying the system, and improving weight loss. They contain functional ingredients like fennel, psyllium, and lemongrass in abundance which greatly aids in burning the fats. Dandelion tea is the best herbal tea to lose weight.
  •  Reduces infection – If you have an early stage of infection, ginger herbal tea is excellent to consume. As per a study conducted in 2013, ginger has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties that help in fighting against infection, particularly yeast infection.
  •  Treats insomnia – Those suffering from insomnia should take a hot cup of chamomile tea before their bedtime. It contains Tryptophan, a kind of amino acid that helps in body relaxation and makes the person fall asleep.
  • Cures cough and cold – Cough and cold is a common issue which can be treated by consuming ginger tea. Not only it helps in lowering the congestion in the nasal cavity, but also this herbal tea is good for sore throat.
Check out the most effective Herbal Tea blend for weight loss for everyone.


The Bottom Line

It is important to know that to maintain good health, it is not only about the food you consume, but also about the drinks you choose. After learning these tremendous properties and health-giving benefits of herbal tea, we hope that you would like to incorporate it more into your diet. Herbal teas are available in a range of delicious flavors that are naturally free of calories and sugar. So, if you looking for an additional healthy habit to build, give any of the above-mentioned herbal teas a try and get a dose of energy and nutrients for getting through the day.